Dining at Neeleshwar Hermitage

Neeleshwar Hermitage - Dining


Sit and see the early morning dolphins, watch the birds over the small lagoon, be lulled by the sound of the waves or spend the evening under the brilliant canopy of stars.

We believe that good food makes a good life and given Kerala’s history and cultural diversity, are able to draw on an extraordinarily varied cuisine, incorporating Indian, Middle-Eastern and European flavours. Authentic, Delicious & Nutritional.



The Annapurna restaurant, dedicated to the Goddess of Nourishment, is the centre of the site. Annapurna specialises in authentic, predominantly vegetarian food not usually seen in hotels. Our cooking skills are honed by ayurvedic teaching on the importance of attending to the appearance, balance, flavour, enjoyment and nutritional effects of any dish.

The Annapurna dining room consumes virtually no energy. Its elegant pillared lateral spaces are open to the verdant gardens on all sides, allowing a sea-cooled breeze to circulate, while the warmer air is released upwards through the large, open light well that stands in the centre of the hall. With such natural ventilation secured, there is no need for air-conditioning, which is very costly in energy terms, and during the day, no need for any electricity. What light is needed after dark is subdued and comes from small and localised sources, while the dining tables and sitting areas are lit by candles.



We also have a beachside restaurant, the Meenakshi, named after another local goddess. Here you can enjoy superb fresh fish caught by the local longboats that go out each morning, as well as breakfast, healthy lunchtime salads and delicious light meals.


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